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Carriage & Train tours

Although Nerja is a small place the hills and summer heat can make it quite a work out to walk around. If you’re new to the town and want to get to know it better a good idea is to take a tour around it via either horse drawn carriage or by the road train which travels around the town.

Carriage Tour
Tourist train

You can get a carriage ride from just behind of La Torrecilla beach where you can also catch the small tourist train which stops here from 6pm until late. During the day however, the train stops at the more central location of Plaza Cavana just behind El Salvador church.

Horse Drawn Carriage Rides

A ride around in the town in one of the horse-drawn carriages will take around 40 minutes and cost €30 – €35. There’s no 'per-person' charge, it’s just a flat rate.

Road Train

Nerja's small, road going train which travels around the town much like a novelty bus may not necessarily be the most elegant form of transport but it’s considerably cheaper than a carriage ride costing only €4 for a ticket and is just as effective.

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